How to look after your dog in hot weather

Hot weather in summer can be overwhelming for your little fury animal & what to look out for & right care is very much essential to ensure physical & mental wellbeing of your dog

Jun 12, 2023
Dog in garden soaked wet

Conditions to look out for

  • Heatstroke: This is a serious condition that can be fatal if not treated. Signs of heatstroke include heavy panting, glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and seizures. If you think your dog may be suffering from heatstroke, immediately move them to a cool, shady area and give them plenty of cool water to drink. You can also try to cool them down by wrapping them in a wet towel or taking them to a vet.
  • Heat exhaustion: This is a less serious condition than heatstroke, but it can still be dangerous. Signs of heat exhaustion include heavy panting, excessive thirst, lethargy, and pale gums. If you think your dog may be suffering from heat exhaustion, move them to a cool, shady area and give them plenty of cool water to drink. You can also try to cool them down by wrapping them in a wet towel or taking them to a vet.
  • Sunburn: Dogs can also get sunburn, especially on their noses, ears, and belly. To protect your dog from sunburn, apply a pet-safe sunscreen to these areas. You can also try to keep your dog out of the sun during the hottest part of the day.

Physical care

  • Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh, cool water to drink. You may need to change their water bowl more often in hot weather.
  • Take your dog for walks in the early morning or late in the evening when it is cooler outside. Avoid taking your dog for long walks or hikes in hot weather.
  • If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time, make sure to leave your dog with plenty of water and a cool place to rest.

Mental care

  • Even though it is hot outside, your dog still needs to be mentally stimulated. Try playing games with your dog indoors or in the shade. You can also try giving your dog a puzzle toy to keep them occupied.
  • Be sure to spend time with your dog and give them plenty of love and attention. This will help to keep them happy and healthy.

Fun games for dogs in hot weather

  • Frozen Kong: Stuff a Kong with your dog\'s favorite treats and freeze it. This will keep them entertained for hours.
  • Water balloon toss: Fill water balloons with water and toss them to your dog. They will love chasing them and trying to pop them.
  • Swimming: If your dog enjoys swimming, take them to a lake or pool to cool off.
  • Fetch: This is a classic game that dogs love. Throw a ball or toy for your dog and let them chase it.
  • Hide-and-seek: This is a great game for mentally stimulating your dog. Hide around the house and let your dog find you.
  • By following these tips, you can help to keep your dog safe and healthy in hot weather.